Breathing Quality

Let’s talk about something we all do every single day but rarely think about: breathing. It’s so vital to our well-being that it should go without saying... but here we are, saying it. So, what's the most important thing you'll be doing in the next few minutes? Yep, you guessed it - breathing!

What Does the Symmio Breathing Quality Score Mean?

Symmio’s report provides a total score for your breathing quality using an evidence-based test that professionals use to determine if you experience any type of breathing dysfunction. You performed a breath-hold test and answered a few questions shortly after. Based on our research, we can determine if breathing is connected to your movement, behavioral health, sleep, or even painful episodes. Our goal is to prioritize and restore proper breathing using specific exercises.

Factors Influencing Breathing

Breathing can be influenced by many things: medical conditions like asthma, obesity, and anxiety; behaviors like smoking; and environmental factors like pollution. How well you breathe affects your overall health and directly impacts your sleep, movement, and even your mental health. Poor breathing can lead to lower pain thresholds, problems with motor control, and balance issues, which in turn affect your performance in daily activities.

The Interconnectedness of Wellness

Focusing on breathing quality highlights just how interconnected all aspects of wellness are. Poor breathing habits can result from a lack of physical activity, but they can also hinder your efforts to get back in shape. A simple breathing screen, combined with a short questionnaire, can help identify breathing dysfunction. Knowing that a breathing issue is underlying other health concerns means we can make better recommendations, as breathing problems can interfere with many other health strategies.

If our breathing screen flags a significant issue, it's best to get a more thorough assessment. Many of us might be surprised to learn we have inefficient or dysfunctional breathing, especially in certain positions or situations. Start by paying more attention to your breathing throughout the day during different activities, postures, and stressors. Notice any changes? Try to stay in control and sync your breath with what you're doing


Nutritional Awareness